Terms of Service - Voice Vault

1. Introduction

Welcome to Voice Vault, a voice message transcribing service working over WhatsApp. By using Voice Vault, you agree to these Terms of Service.

2. Data Privacy and Security

Please refer to our Privacy Policy for information about how we collect, store and use your data.

3. Content Ownership

Voice Vault lays no claim to user data, user-generated content or AI-generated content.

4. Liability and Disclaimer

Voice Vault is for entertainment purposes only. Transcriptions can contain errors.

The service takes no liability for the accuracy or applicability of the generated content.

Users are advised to use common sense and not to consider the responses from Voice Vault as exactly 'what is said'.

Though we do our best to keep it secure by applying security best-practices. Voice Vault is not liable for any form of database breaches or malicious activities.

5. User Conduct and Responsibilities

Users may submit voice and text content within legal boundaries.

Submitting illegal content or misusing the service can result in a ban or removal from the platform.

6. Service Access and Availability

There are no restrictions on accessing and using Voice Vault, when acting within legal boundaries.

7. Payment and Refund Policy

Payment is processed via Stripe, and an access token is issued upon successful transaction.

Please read our refund policy to learn about refunds.

8. Modification, Termination, and User Data

Terms of Service are subject to change without prior notice.

Users are required to consent to updated terms with each purchase.

Users can request account deletion or data removal by emailing info@voice-vault.com.

9. Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

These Terms of Service are governed by Dutch law.

Disputes will be handled via email and, if necessary, through arbitration.

10. Contact Information

For support or inquiries, contact Voice Vault at info@voice-vault.com.